After a hit execution Tum Kon Piya on Urdu 1, Ayeza Khan has worked in another show Shehrnaaz and is eventually had in the shooting of sensation Mohabbat Tum Se Nafrat Hai. The going with are the photos of the flawless Celeb. in which she is watching unmitigated change and in vogue too.
Mohabbat Tum Se Nafrat hai is an Upcoming Pakistani Drama of Ayeza Khan turn around Imran Abbas, Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat hai show is made by the point of fact appreciated by Pakistani maker Khalil ur Rehman and Directed By Farooq Rind and Produced By seventh Sky Productions,There is No Official Announcement yet we believe it will be on conveying on Hum Tv in December or January 2017. After Tum Kon Piya, Shehrnaz Mohabbat Tum Se Nafrat hai is the third show of Ayeza Khan in 2016.
Ayeza Khan Just finished shooting for Shehrnaz Drama and began handling her new drama.Many subtle segments not been uncovered yet when more updates, pictures, videos come we will animate on this page. stay tuned.